Monday, November 9, 2009

The Most Rewarding Part Is When I'm Rewarded With An Award!

Jackass, smartass, honkey, knothead, the world's greatest sex machine. That's just a few of the publishable names I've been called over the past 28 and a half years of my life (Ok, maybe I haven't been called that last one...yet. A boy can dream, though,can't he?)

Today, though, I was given a moniker that I can really be proud of:Knucklehead.

My blogger pal Chris Rushdie over at Knucklehead! has awarded me the Knucklehead! Post Of The Week. The winning post was
THIS post I made last night about the unfortunate end of Daylight Savings Time 2009.

Thanks for the recognition, Chris. I vow to pay it forward by giving back to the blogging community (Is there a blogging community center that needs repainting?).

Also, those of you who haven't done so, should check out Knucklehead! Support Chris's "Justice For Jim Varney" fight, and check out his "What Ever Happened To?" series.

Also...if you haven't done so yet, don't forget to recombobulate your clocks.


  1. Hey Judge.
    Guess what. You just got tagged with another award. C'mon by and get it. See what happens when your clocks are all discombobulated?
    It REcombublates you!

  2. Great blog! I'm loving it-- I also was tagged by Nancy with an award today-- it was great to find you this way!

    I'm following you now-- don't let me down! =^)

  3. @f8hasit: Thanks for the award!

    @Leah: Thanks for stopping by! I'll try not to let you down.haha
