Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Following People Need A Good Cock-Punching

About about 8 years ago, there was an "infographic" piece in the satirical newspaper The Onion that listed people who, as they put it, "Need A Good Cock-Punching." You can find that piece HERE. I thought it was a pretty funny piece, and a pretty good idea (face it, we all know someone famous or in our everyday lives who could use a punch to the cock). So, my friends and I, back when we first read the newspaper piece, came up with our own lists. Every now and then, I like to update my list. So, without further adieu, here's the list of people that I feel need a good cock-punchin' (4th edition).

1. Ossama bin Laden (retains his number one position for the fourth time in a row)
2. Senator *shudder* Al Franken
3. Simon Cowell (actually anyone associated with the abomination known as American Idol, and who has a penis, deserves to be punched)
4. The guy who plays JD on Scrubs
5. Keith Olbermann
6. Hillary Clinton (Come on! She has one!)
7. Sean Penn
8. Drew Peterson
9. Kate from Jon And Kate Plus 8 (see: Hillary Clinton)
10.Tie between Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, and Jimmy Fallon


  1. Will Ferrell. Seth Rogen. Richard Simmons. Chris Kattan. Rush Limbaugh. Rush Limbaugh again. Geraldo Rivera. Jerry Springer. Rush Limbaugh one more time. Any member of the Boston Red Sox. Scott Boras. Terrell Owens.

  2. Chris: It looks like neither one of us like the new generation of comedic actors. Where's John Candy when we need him?

  3. I can't stand Kate from John and Kate. I want to have an affair with John just to piss off that trailer raised biatch.

    You always forget about Rosie O'Donnell.

  4. Vince Vaughn? Come on - there is no need for cock punching there.

  5. Chrissy- You're right. Just like Hillary, I think Rosie qualifies (probably more so).

    Kim- There's no reason for Vince Vaughn NOT to be punched.
